
Podcast: When My Baby Sprouts a Beard: Larissa Dann and P.E.T.


I was fortunate to be interviewed by Hunter Clarke-Fields on bringing up children using gentle, mindful parenting from Parent Effectivness Training. Here is her introduction:

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could look into the future and see the results of mindful parenting?

You get to do that in this episode with parent educator Larissa Dann. She shares with us the results of years of respectful/peaceful/conscious parenting using the communication skills of Parent Effectiveness Training.

We talk about:

  • Mediating a conflict with toddlers
  • Giving kids an inner sense of self-worth
  • Why children don’t misbehave

You’ll also learn why you should STOP taking your child’s behavior personally.

There’s so much here. I know you are going to love this conversation."

Here's the link to our conversation:


I hope you enjoy.

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